What is Microservices Architecture ?

Giant Swarm definition

In microservices architectures, applications are built and deployed as simple, highly decoupled, focussed services. They connect to each other over lightweight language agnostic communication mechanisms, which often times means simple HTTP APIs and message queues. Services are built around business capabilities and independently changeable and deployable with only a bare minimum of centralized management. They are polyglot in terms of programming languages, frameworks, and data stores used. Lastly, microservices are resilient, which means they are immutable artifacts that are designed to fail and elastic in scale1.

Martin Fowler paper

To paraphrase, microservices are used to compose complex applications using "small", independent (autonomous), replaceable processes that communicate using lightweight, language-agnostic APIs2.

Microservice Architecture and the Scale Cube

The Art of Scalability book, describe 3 dimensional scalability model called the Scale Cube3.

X-axis scaling

X-axis scaling consists of running multiple instances of an application behind a load balancer. If there are N instances, then each instance handles 1/N of the load. This form of scaling is a commonly approach of scaling. One drawback of this approach is that because each instance potentially accesses all data, caches require more memory to be effective. Another problem with this approach is that it does not tackle the problems of increasing development and application complexity.

Y-axis scaling

Unlike X and Z axis, which consists of running multiple, identical instances of the application, Y-axis scaling splits the application into multiple, different services. Each service is responsible for 1 or more closely related functions.

Z-axis scaling

When using Z-axis scaling each server runs an identical copy of the code. On this point, it is similar to X-axis scaling. The big difference is that each server is responsible for only a subset of the data. Some components of the system are responsible for routing each request to the appropriate server. One commonly used routing criteria is an attribute of the request such as the primary key of the entity being accessed.

Z-axis splits are commonly used to scale databases. Data is partitioned (a.k.a sharded) across a set of servers based on an attribute within the record. A router sends each record to the appropriate partition, where it is indexed and stored. A query aggregator sends each query to all of the partitions, and combines the result from each of them.

Z-axis scaling has a number of benefits:

  • Each server only deals with a subset of the data.
  • Improves cache utilization and reduces memory usage and I/O traffic.
  • Improves transaction scalability since requests are typically distributed across multiple servers.
  • Improves fault isolation since a failure only makes part of the data inaccessible.

Z-axis scaling also has some drawbacks:

  • Increased application complexity.
  • Implementing a partition scheme can be tricky, especially if we ever need to repartition the data.
  • It doesn’t solve the problems of increasing development and application complexity. To solve this we need to apply Y-axis scaling.

Our definition

Microservice architectures is to build and deploy applications as simple, highly decoupled, focussed services. Services are built around business subdomains and independently changeable and deployable. Services are built with continuous delivery mind, allowing us automatically or semi-automatically deployment. Services are built with the three axis scale cube mind, allowing us automatically or semi-automatically scaling. Services are built with cloud-ready mind, allowing us to easily integrate an elastic infrastructure.

1. “Introduction to Microservice Architectures”, Giant Swarm, https://giantswarm.io/microservices
2. “Microservices: A new architectural term”, Martin Fowler, http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html
3. “THE ART OF SCALABILITY : Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise”, Martin L. Abbott & Michael T. Fisher, http://theartofscalability.com

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